One Poem


do you smell gas?

is the oven on?

what’s the over under

on yr commitment to the bit?

i’m just popping my head in

trying to make sense of the weather report

happy friday everyone

can you smoke in here?

got a match?

let’s live outside the strike zone

far from perfect meatballs down the plate

plenty gripe about the entire game

hinged upon one umpire’s eye

but there’s another saying in the big show

the ball doesn’t lie


i’m talking the walk of intention

i’ll try anything at once once

a little r and r at the leper colony

moonlighting as a bootlicker

my dreams fill w capital 

yr tax dollars hard at work

but i want my tax dollars to have fun live a little

i want them to love what they do so they don’t have to work a day in their lives

the only job i want to give em

is putting a hit on the 2,781 billionaires

wHaT’s ThE dEaL with the rich and famous killing this beautiful circus ring we live on

yr telling me you don’t have 2,781 bullets to spare?

it’s all in yr delivery

everyone! run!

there’s trouble in paradise

it’s all about that one-day primal


a bullet a zinger a belly laugh

the slant rhyme of knife

you have to leave slay the angels

stay classy war

kitchen’s closed spay the eels

you can’t cook with us

you don’t have what it takes

not a single onion on yr person

me i got 3 sometimes 4 and at least 2

are up in the air do you smell gas?

no fair i wanna promise something big

and deliver the impossible

electrical fires happen all the time

number one cause of incidentally

burning the house down


the joke whizzes by

flits thru yr guts

it’s hot in here

take off all yr clothes

get me that syringe

get me 4 ccs of that email chain

wait wait wait i’m not a doctoral candidate

i’m not on a radical sabbatical i’m not the president elect

yr on fire rn

stop drop the hole

hop down into it


pop the bottle cut the ribbon

yr greatest work


i want to be an effective secret agent of change in the world

you bring the baking soda i’ll bring the coke

what do we got?

a 3rd grade youtube video a schedule II substance

i painted a tunnel onto a giant rock

a train tunnel just wide enough for the train

one of the bullet ones

you wait here

i’m gonna go check it out

ok i’m back

we’ve really gotta go

it’s coming

full-steam ahead


where are we?

did we just wet-willy the landlubber?

did we just snap back blackbeard’s eyepatch?

did we just brunch on bottomless parrot tongues?

did some people in this room think we were gonna die tonight?


do you want to dance?

i can’t

help i’ve fallen and i can’t get up

oh sorry but yr shoes untied

oh sorry i was scooping up the field mice

oh sorry i caught you on fire

i really thought you were the ground green wire

***oh that’s a mirrorrrrrrr***

here bop my button pop my cherry blaze my prairie

emergency services will be here soon wee-ooh-wee-ooh

*krrk* shots fired down on broadway *krrk*

sounds like an automatic weapon

everybody hit the floor this is a

hold up are you thinking what i’m thinking?

let’s boogie

how do you say drugstore in french?

let’s take this city on a pill to-go


go throw a road rager

ope red light.

the florida plates next to me are blasting their fantasy audio book in a bad british accent

“the birds line up against the sea wall”

i woke up this morning


green light!

my first thought was i wanna die

red light!

but the weird thing is the next one was

i never felt more alive

like clockwork i’m depressed for playtime

my mind all dolled up

messed to the times

you moved you’re out

roll the stop sign

smoke it


all the highway lines roll right into my pockets

i’d adhere to the speed limit of it all

if it weren’t so durn blurry

there’s a massive tanker of gas

do you smell gas?

going 80 down the interstate

i roll down my window

try to get its driver’s attn


i don’t think he can see me


i don’t think he can see me though

was kind of thinking he was gonna 

run me off the road

kind of had a hunch

he was gonna murder me

oh this that’s just my antenna 

been crackling tons lately

who do you call when that happens?

would you mind sharing their number?

i won’t tell them it was you who gave it to me


i know this isn’t networking

but i just got off speakerphone w a priest

i put the priest on speaker

so he could hear the smoke and the horns and the sirens

explained how no we will not be crowning mary this first sunday of may

thanks anyway nice chattin daddy

to think in the past

i was an altarboy larping for the lord

getting geeked on eagle’s wings

the beady-eyed soothsayer the opposite of heads

call it in the air do you smell gas?

at 8 years old

i was somewhat toothless


did you know there are bills being passed

so that at a near-future near you

you can donate gasoline to goodwill

simply fill up a can

launch it at the backdoor

and let the sun do its thing

sup with this little light of mine

i have officially commandeered the wheel from jesus

i was getting so sick of listening to bruce springsteen all the time

my lover asked me to tone it down a notch

i frisked myself for dials nothing

it was like i was a piece of cheesecake

and yr asking me to chock the back tire

of a semi-tractor trailer

parked somewhere in the bay area

just doin my job here

i’m hauling the asinine

i’m booping the reset button of the moon

i’m blowing speakers in public

daddy shark doo doo doo doo do do

i really loved yr sound poem last night

the banging of pots and pans

gently fed thru a paper shredder

is noise finally having its moment?

the ocean smells like a go-kart

smells like reverse ain’t on the menu

smells like the long overdue manual shifting of gears

the endtimes sound funner when it’s a plague of grasshoppers

our hunger lowkey locust with the mostest

is the shrill insect of my heart finally tapping into the frequency of fire?

will that sweet dream i’ve been having lately

finally be produced into must-see TV?

the one where i will myself to spontaneously combust

then comb back the flames in my vanity mirror

and remind myself the mantra

“the universe is not very big you agoraphobic moron

you can step on it

see all there is to see

sing all the songs along the way”

but then the leaking suspicion 

the overeating engine

the brink of kaput 


ding all the dongs along the cray
ding ding ding ding ding ding
the check engine light at the back of the brain
ding ding ding ding ding ding
there it is god i love that one
ding ding ding ding ding ding
such a banger
ding ding ding ding ding ding
jalopy? i barely know me
ding ding ding ding ding ding
i don’t know much about motors
ding ding ding ding ding ding
but i know they can explode
ding ding ding ding ding ding
this is of interest to me
ding ding ding ding ding ding
dynamite wick sparkling slow
ding ding ding ding ding ding
xy axis of hammerspace-hammertime
ding ding ding ding ding ding
drawn and quartered by its quadrants
ding ding ding ding ding ding
plot points dying for an encore
ding ding ding ding ding ding
in the red of days late
ding ding ding ding ding ding
what a giddy-up to slip in it
ding ding ding ding ding ding
what a gas suck a sip
ding ding ding ding ding ding
it’s in my ear now i can’t get it out
ding ding ding ding ding ding
it’s in my head ring my bell
ding ding ding ding ding ding
can i workshop my bit about beauty
ding ding ding ding ding ding
before i drop a gear and disappear
ding ding ding ding ding ding
you are one of the most beautiful people i’ve ever
ding ding ding ding ding ding
how’s that fuckface
ding ding ding ding ding ding
doesn’t that lack a certain panache
ding ding ding ding ding ding
slack tact of an adroit doink
ding ding ding ding ding ding
now step and see and sing
ding ding ding ding ding ding
our job is so simple so easy free
ding ding ding ding ding ding
make a monkey laugh make super good time
ding ding ding ding ding ding
take-one dedicate to the organ wheeze grind
ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

Henry Goldkamp (he/they) is an interdisciplinary poet who enjoys clowning boundaries between language, visual art, and sensory performance. He lives in New Orleans, where he co-runs Splice Poetry Series, acts as intermedia editor for Tilted House, and teaches experimental poetics and clown studies at Louisiana State University. Recent art, criticism, and performance appear or are forthcoming in Chicago Review, Annulet, VOLT, Poetry Northwest, Accelerants: An Action Books Poetry Film Series, Triquarterly, NOIR SAUNA, and Sonora Review, among others.


PEN America: Cultural Imperialism’s Avant-Garde


Two Stories