Two Poems from Oily Doily

Commercial break

disposed intent
handly may

up to

scrim fill in the

locus clean | ed

wide net
happy mid

purchase takes
just this


a focal

group salvo
five-in-one play

amen seaside
femoral ache

happy fathers day
plastic waterway

from Pool

When it happened when I saw it we were driving in a
red rock desert. JC saw it too we saw it then not and
that was what surprised us. Maybe people often saw
flying objects disappear there but for several years I
didn’t tell anyone it was afternoon late spring high
visibility sound mind and so on route 24. 

That morning we’d departed the park named for an
allocated heaven crossing into open range snow on
the plain around one stopped for some minutes as
steers walked up the asphalt’s exposed strips. Their
looks bore in a bad old dream or it could be they
were staring out the windscreen at themselves the
cloudbanks low and crawled up the road.

It rained
on the road

between reef
and grove

then in
the clear

air advanced
a wedge

a contoured

a gunmetal

it loomed

then wasn’t
not wasn’t

the image
slammed shut

A thermal inversion occurs when air is hotter higher

warm air rises trapping cold pollution in Missouri

try it on a research farm with a red smoke bomb

pastel fog puddles on the bean crop the hot hot lens

ungrounds lifts and disperses forms up on horizon

angelic Herefords for instance inverted or some form 

of curved polyhedron location is no indicator of actual

object location no more illusion than mirror but distorted

may elicit a scene its observer misinterprets is it moving

have you found a mirage to settle itself directly around

I have copied out the proceedings in which the ex-pilot
addresses the commission, and will fail to convince
now the radiant present
the last extractive shortwave rays
bombard the oceanic
play back again his recorded statement
the cockpit video that shows it seems no living
proof but clouds you filmed clouds
why did you I saw traces
of two men
the physicist father farther lost in dark and distant
undulations of the waves quickly lost him

in the undulations of the oceanic brain
in the folds the undulations
that alien in the folded
pulse of imitation
it holds him in anyone that would be
destroyer, son abandoned
a wife and
it molds his closest secret a surface he can touch as
the would-be was-and
pervades him

now the present bombardment, now and then

Looked at
looked past

a crack
in the wind

shield broken
in sister’s

HS parking acc
the accord

the garage

I didn’t ask

a potential
dad’s later

if an acc

the edge
of glass

he said


So replaced
the glass

the break
came back

the glass

again it

its breaking

so break from

let be

a warp in
the chassis

I was being drawn along the road the sky a round open

window didn’t hear it approach but saw the surface flow

don’t know if it was a jet could be inaccurate whatever

it was an overhead F- the shining F-s we watched

like the elect and as we watched surprise it vanished

sleight of paint mirror temperature to look and not to see

what form accelerated its post-facto vision a neutral mask

the featureless look the console glass robotic cockpit

aerial drill reflective tint placid surfactant it scrubs away

it appliques the timeless craters to a nowhere place

are we meant to see we are not meant to see is not

to see it seems to portend a future of endless vision 

stretched no horizon but the locked coordinates

Alyssa Perry is a writer, editor, and teacher from Iowa. She is the author of Oily Doily (Bench Editions, 2024). Her writing appears with Annulet, The Canary, Coma, Fence, Mercury Firs, River Styx, the Experimental Sound Studio, and other venues. Perry is poetry editor at the Cleveland Review of Books and an editor at the small press publisher Rescue Press. She lives in Ohio and teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art.


Two Poems